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Re: SVGALib, Xpert@Play and sQuake/Quake II

On Thu, Sep 17, 1998 at 01:23:18AM -0700, Chris Whitworth wrote:
> I forgot to mention that I'm a little new to this Linux admin business 
> (as in running my own box; I've been using other ppls for ages)
> >I don't suppose "ldconfig" (as root) helps?  You are runnning the 
> programs
> >as root aren't you - they need direct access to the video card (OTOH 
> plain
> >vga probably wouldn't work either).  
> I can't honestly remember - I've not been using the Linux side of my box 
> in the last couple of days (windows, grr...) I'll try that and let you 
> know. The reason for asking is that the docs that came with SVGALib 
> suggested that the Mach64 drivers are a bit dodgy anyway...
> >Does "ldd squake.real" say anything useful?
> Er, que? (spot the newbie sysadmin...)

ldd lists the libraries that will be used with the program. "squake" is just
a little script that runs squake.real, thinking about it, you'll probably
need "ldd /usr/games/squake".  For instance, here it says:

	libm.so.5 => /lib/libm.so.5 (0x4000b000)
	libvga.so.1 => /usr/lib/libc5-compat/libvga.so.1 (0x40014000)
	libc.so.5 => /lib/libc.so.5 (0x4005a000)

Which seems okay to me - the top one is the libc5 maths library, the bottom
one is the libc5 C library and the middle one is the libc5 vga library.

You just pick the programs like "ldd" up one at a time after enough people
have mentioned them - try "ldd `which squake.real`"


email: adrian.bridgett@zetnet.co.uk, http://www.poboxes.com/adrian.bridgett
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