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Re: modem and PPP trouble

Read /usr/doc/ppp/SETUP.gz  Actually the Debian package sets things up a
bit differently than this, but you should be able to understand the
procedure from this document.  The files you need to set up are
/etc/ppp/peers/provider and /etc/chatscripts/provider.


On Wed, 9 Sep 1998, Joshua Wilson wrote:

> I recently installed Debian GNU/Linux, and I am having a terrible time
> getting PPP to work with my modem.  I have a US Robotics 28.8 at
> /dev/ttyS2.  I tried to set up PPP using pppconfig and I have looked
> at the files in /etc/ppp.  Everything seems to be ok, but when I run
> pon my modem does not dial, nothing happens, and plog tells me that
> the connect script failed. I have consulted various HOWTOs and
> documentation but they all seem to refer to pre-HAM versions of Debian
> and reference a ppp.chatscript file that my box doesn't have.  I also
> searched the debian-user archives but could not find a relevant
> answer.  However, the archives did mention trying to dial out using
> minicom.  Minicom was able to get my modem to dial, but this still
> does not solve my PPP problem since my ISP uses PAP and I do not how
> to negotiate a connection to it using minicom.  Any help or ideas
> about how to get my modem to work with PPP would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Josh Wilson
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Bob Nielsen                 Internet: nielsen@primenet.com
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