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OK, I have a rather specific goal in mind when setting up my mail.  My mail 
arrives at work.  I read and send mail from both work and home.  

I know that I can (with pine, for example) manipulate and read mail from
home via IMAP.  Unfortunately, this is slow and ends up re-downloading
mail messages or folder repeatedly.

I can also have mail downloaded to home and stored there.  
Unfortunately, this "disconnects" the two work environments:  if I read
and delete 300 mail messages (as debian-user easily provides) on one
system, I have to specifically (and personally) do the same to the other

I would like a hybrid situation.  I would like to mirror my work folders
(collections, to use pine's word) at home and have my home machine
"sycronize" the two systems on demand.  That is, if I delete or move a
message on one system, have it preform the corresponding action on the

Any ideas?  Please cc to me personally (I subscribe to this list, but
I"m about 2000 messages behind... short vacations.. whew).  

  Michael Stenner			Office Phone: 919-660-2513
  Duke University, Dept. of Physics	  mstenner@phy.duke.edu
  Box 90305, Durham N.C. 27708-0305

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