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a thinkpad, ppp, slirp, asynchronous line balancing, and the like

I found a nice deal on an old thinkpad 755C while on vacation.  486/50, 
20M/340M, active matrix, and a 14.4 modem tossed in.

It came with the gates virus, which I'm currently removing.  ANd of course, 
the only people with the keys to the room with the pcmia network cards are not 
here, so I"m loading from disks.

Once I have the basic systems installed, I need to connect it to my main 
machine, which is where the oddities come in.

I need to 

a) figure out the ppp connection to the main machine on my desk.  This doesn't 
strike me as too hard; I should be able to survive this from faqs.

b) the tough one:  figuring out the multiple-serial line balancing for slirp.  
To make matters fun, the lines are asymmetrical.  I have a 9600 ISN (no, not 
ISDN) line into my apartment, which is unmetered.  This connects directly to 
the university network, as is the big machine.  It is an 8 bit connection, but 
the stupid little box has hardware ^S/^Q trapping.  Send a ^S (including the 
microsoft close-double-quote, which is ^S with bit 8 high, and you're frozen 
until you reset the line, or a ^Q comes from the remote (pure genius in that 
design :).  I can also connect by an 8-bit  clean 14.4 modem connection when 
they're not tied up.

Ideally, I'd like to have the machine attempt to keep the 9600 line up, and be 
able to tell it to add the 14.4 when it needs it.  Is this doable?

And while I'm at it, it seems to me that someone mentioned some linux thinpad 
utilities a while back; does anyone recall?



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