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Re: newbie Q1: launching Xserver as ordinary user

> except as root.  The message refers to using xwrapper but I can't 
> find that, or else it says I can use xdm, presumably from /etc/initab
> It deprecates using the setuid bit and I've not mastered that idea 
> anyway so I'm happy not to use it (feeble grin)
The setuid bit lets you run the program as the person who ownes the file
... so since "root" owns the xserver,  you can run the program as if you
were root.  The server needs "root" access to be able to do things like
switch video modes,  but it's generally a bad idea to run stuff as root
because of security holes and the ability to trash your system with a
typo.  The xwrapper starts the server and drops it out of root mode,  but
I'm not sure where it is.

> b) get xdm launched properly from the init
Someplace in /etc/X11/config is the line "no-start-xdm" ... change it to
"start-xdm" :)

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