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Re: KDE games problem...

I'm too new at this to be much help, but I ran into similar problems
running apps as root outside of X. A friend told me that root doesn't have
the current directory in its path, (unlike DOS). So in order to run an app
that is in your current directory, you have to specifiy the entire path on
the command line. For example, if you're in /etc, and you want to run
liloconfig, you'd have to enter /etc/liloconfig instead of just liloconfig.
This may have some bearing on your problem.

At 11:18 AM 8/2/1998 -0500, you wrote:
>Hello all,
>I am using debian 2.0 with KDE (relatively new linux user)
>When I login as "me", I can access the KDE games....
>However, when I login as "root", and try to run a game, I get the message
>"could not execute program _______"
>Any ideas? I thought root could run anything?
>Thanks in advance,
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