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Installation Assistance (was Re: never mind the recue disk was bad.)

>My rescue disk was bad, but I would appreciate anyone's help in my
>setting up of Debian.  I'm not real sure how to partion the hard drive.
>    -jeff

I am in just about the same state that you are for installation.  I've
sucessfully installed it once alreaday, but when I went on to the FTP
portion I messed up and selected WAY too many files... but then I went back
and read install.txt (which was one of quite a few files that I downloaded

It's 30 pages, but it really covers the installation portion quite well.  I
reformatted it to fit with my Word Processor and have pronted it out.  I
also printed out dselect.beginner.txt and have both those references

If you want to keep your current partition of Win95 / 98, you will need a
passive partition manager, which will resize any partition without
destroying it.  Be warned that it is not 100% fool-proof and you'll
definitely want to backup anything on your computer that Dell didn't send
master disks/CD-Rom's for.  I have one such program called FIPS, which I
have from a Slackware Linux CD I have here at the house.  If you can't find
it, e-mail me and I'll send it to you in one way or another, it's a small
freeware program.

Good Luck!
Hatton - hatton@null.net

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