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Suspect daily,weekly cron causing hangs


I have a Beowulf-type Debian-based cluster of 16 dual
PII 333Mhz boxes (Asus P2L97-DS) Debian 1.3.1.

They run hard, often under full load with high network
traffic for days or not weeks.  The current application
is an MPI application using a master-slave paradigm.

I've noticed that the "master" machine often hangs just
after daily or weekly crons.  In fact, 6:48 or a bit later
is a very popular hang time.  Hangs on Sunday are the most
popular (much to my chagrin!).  The fact that the master
hangs preferentially correlates with high network traffic.
At first, I disabled (dpkg -r) xntp3 which seemed to be
an obvious culprit but I'm still getting occasional hangs.

Any thoughts?  I suppose I could just disable these 
crons altogether but I'd like to see if any of you have 
run across this sort of problem first.



Martin Weinberg                      Phone: (413) 545-3821
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy       FAX:   (413) 545-2117/0648
530 Graduate Research Tower
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA  01003-4525

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