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Xfree86Config for Libretto 70

Thanks to all you out there who helped me with my recent dpkg problems.
As a result I was able to rebuild and configure Card and Socket services
for my Libretto and now have hot-swappable PCMCIA capabilities in Linux as
well as that other O/S. 

But I am completely up a gumtree about getting the frequency and timing
parameters set in my Xfree86Config to work. The system kicks off xdm, it
blinks a couple times like its trying to bring up the login but instead
blinks between a blank screen and the text-mode console login. 
I've looked a t couple other Linux on Libretto sites but they all seem to
cover the model 50 video hardware which uses and entirely different chip
Does anybody out there know what the horizontal and vertical scan
frequencies of a CHIPS 65550 controller running a Sharp 6.1" TFT LCD
display are?

Or better yet, is there somebody out there with a 70 that can send me
their Xfree86Config?


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