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Afterstep's .steprc gone?

I used Afterstep as my window manager in X on Debian 1.3, and I just
installed X and Afterstep in Debian 2.0.  The interface has completely
changed, but the biggest change is there doesn't appear to be a .steprc so
you can configure it.  It seems to have some menu options for minor
modifications (i.e. Feel and Look), but I can't find a .steprc anywhere to
do other configurations.  Does anyone know where this file is or how to
configure the new afterstep?

Also, the Wharf bar seems to be much slower now.  Like a bunch of
animation was added to it.  Anyone know why?

| ratirh@lore.cs.purdue.edu : Role-Player, Babylon 5 fanatic      1997-98 |
| Homepage: www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/ratirh (Careful it's not completed)   |
| "The past brings pain, the future depression,                           |
|  the present disappointment.  The only thing that remains is the moment.|
|  Live for the moment, and enjoy life.  You only have one chance. "      |

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