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Re: The last latex2e question.........

>>>>> "p" == phillip Neumann <huevadas@hotmail.com> writes:

    p> Hi, Im a little desperade, becasue i have to insert a graphic
    p> in my latex2e document. I have search the guides, but i didnt
    p> find something it could help (maybe i look at it too
    p> quickly..). Its a jpg. I learn, at univ., that i should insert
    p> it with the folowing command:

First, convert the jpeg to an encapsulated postscript file. xv can do
this for you (I am sure other programs can also).

Then, before the \begin{document} statement in the LaTeX file, insert
the statement \usepackage{psfig}.  In your document body, do something
like this:


To insert the image.  You can use the epsf package too, if you prefer.

Christopher Lee

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