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Re: Exim!

On Mon, 13 Jul 1998, Hamish Moffatt wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 12, 1998 at 11:03:34PM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
> >     One person may want procmail, but I dare say that if an ISP installs
> > exim after using sendmail/procmail they need it lest they break a couble
> > thousand procmailrc files from their users.  In that case I doubt directing
> > them all to learn a new set of filtering rules is an appropriate course to
> > take.
> You must have an interesting ISP; I suspect most ISP users
> would say "What's unix?"

In NZ, a fair proportion of ISP's use Linux as their main OS, (slackware
generally), And I know of one that still provides shell accounts.

Of course they use Winslow in administration :) It's all a gooey interface
in html for the dumb people :)

                       Michael Beattie (mickyb@es.co.nz)

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