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Re: debian-brazilian

Lalo Martins wrote:
> Sorry for the huge cross-posting, but I figure that not everyone
> subscribes to -user and -devel, and I had to try to catch
> everyone. Please followup in -devel only - use the "Reply-to".
> So, how many Brazilian users/developers are there? (developers=3
> IIRC) I would really appreciate to start a debian-brazilian list
> and a project to adapt debian to Brazilian Portuguese; what made
> me think it's already time was a note about someone packaging an
> "ibrazilian" dictionary for ispell (hadn't seen the upload
> tough].

Hello there:

Concerning ispell there is a iportuguese dictionary available that is
rather liberal in Brazil/Portugal variations; in fact if you don't use
local slang and stick with the regular brazilian spelling you will find
that it will prove of great help (the only thing that might be
problematic is the use of the trema - ü, mainly,  - but that can be
easily corrected). Anyway, it will be very helpful even if you decide to
go for the ibrazilian (hey, the more the merrier :) ), in fact one of
them is a variation of the other, don't know which, but I would be happy
to had the ibrazilian to my comp, so tell me where the heel is it! :)  I
don't have the URL right now because I'm not at home, but feel free to
write me that I will be glad to supply you with all the information I
> For those who don't know, there is a Brazilian version of RedHat
> (run by a company). As people sometimes say in #debian, if I
> wanted to buy from a company I'd be using Windows ;-) Now
> serious, they're doing quite a good job of translating stuff and
> all the work they did is available for us (they said so). Now
> I'd like to have a really free (Debian) option.

Yes, there is Conetiva RedHat available in brazilian Portuguese, but the
good part is that they are doing it not because they have translated
everything by their own, but because they are more aware of the current
portuguese translations of GNU software... in fact I would urge you to
join the Portuguese GNU/LI List at pt@li.org... the Portuguese here
refers to the language, and there are quite a lot of brazilians there,
including the guys from Conetiva... the thing is: first we have to
translate everything to portuguese (brazilian or, er, portuguese
portuguese - or European Portuguese, I don't know how to call it :) )
and then we split the translations... there are already several packages
that in pt_PT and pt_BR, but I really think we should be translating
everything together (hint: Conectiva uses several pt_PT translations in
their distribution.). And another thing: I notice that local
distributors (here mainly Cheap*Bytes Portugal) do not use the /local
part of the CD´s to put the pt translations and man pages, and that is
the real problem - and that's why RedHat in Brazil is different, they
use what is available, while the others must go and fetch the files by
But we shouldn't stop there either: we should translate all the install
program of Debian to portuguese, the packaging system, etc., because
these are specific to Debian GNU/Linux... then we really would have an
excellent distribution in our mother tongue (that gives the distribution
character, and as some of you may recall '...character goes a long
way...' :) )
> [And in the future, a "debian-users-brazilian" would be cool to
> have too ;-)]

Hey, work on it; I really think it's not the right approach to separate
the pt_PT and pt_BR, because when you call something brazilian you are
narrowing down the resources, but even so I would subscribe that mailing
list... I currently use brazilian-made WindowMaker with portuguese
menus, and I'm really happy with it.
Just a final thing: it's really strange that RedHat has a portuguese (or
brazilian, have it your way :) ) distribution when Debian is closer to
the GNU Project (at least I like to think so) and doesn't use the GNU
translations... as usual in GNU/Linux is up the us the interested ones
to change things, so please feel free to write me for more information
about the translation project already in course and ways to make a 100%
portuguese Debian.

Meanwhile... let's hope Brazil wins the Cup! :)))

um abraço,

Frederico S. Muñoz	| Debian GNU/Linux

(I'm writing in english because I'm in an english (or American english
:)))))) ) list, but please write me in portuguese, or brazilian
portuguese, or, well, whatever :)))
> []s,
>                                                |alo
>                                                +----
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