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Re: xemacs-20 HTML mode

On Wed, Jul 08, 1998 at 11:33:50AM -0400, Paul Reavis wrote:

> For example, when it works the way I want it to, it autoindents like
> such:
> <h1>top header</h1>
> <p>Some stuff here.
> <h2>next header</h2>
> <ul>
>     <li>an item.
>     <li>another item.
> </ul>
> And when it doesn't I get:
> <h1>top header</h1>
> <p>Some stuff here.
>     <h2>next header</h2>
>     <ul>
>         <li>an item.
>             <li>another item.
>         </ul>
> Or similar - basically, it doesn't undent unless there's a closing tag.

Well believe it or not...(IMHO)it is right to do this. the <li> tag NEEDS to
be closed! I have been doing HTML for almost 2 years now (on and off..lately
off but used to be extremely on) and that is a common mistake I have seen
with people making pages.

I forget the actual problem but <LI> Item </LI> <LI> Item2</LI>
 is treated differntly then  <LI> Item <LI> Item2

for some things ie <P> you can omit the close tag....for <LI>, <TABLE> 
etc you really NEED the close tag
for an example of a non-closed <TABLE>.... I signed a friends "guestbook"
with a non closed table....it made every signature after mine invisable.
ie...they were all gone but still in the page source (under netscape)
check it out: http://www.lpage.com/wgb/wgbview.dbm?owner=laramie&;
then click on "next 10 guests" (did it a while ago)

anyway...it was mean but...I have known him forever...and its
a great example of why you must close your tags
(ever tried a <UL> within an <LI> within an <OL> ? it can get
messy if you don't do it exactly right)

/* -- Stephen Carpenter <sjc@delphi.com> ------------------------------ */
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