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Re: Please help with IP Aliasing

On Wed, Jul 01, 1998 at 02:55:39PM +0000, Andy Spiegl wrote:
> Hi!
> I am currently setting up a Mail and Webserver (hamm, 2.0.33).  I have got
> a whole package of 256 IP addresses that I want to assign to this server.
> In the NET-3-HOWTO I read that I have to set it up like this:
Why do you want to give the machine 256 ips? It's pointless unless you do
webhosting, and there are better ways of doing that eg with apache's
<VirtualHost> setup.

The script you've shown should work, but a quicker way to do it would be:

for ip in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
  ifconfig eth0:$ip xxx.xxx.xxx.$ip netmask

you do not need the route add -net after each eth0 alias.

> [stuff deleted]
> What I want seems to work this way, but I can't imagine that this
> is the right way to do it.  And if I will ever get another subnetwork
> to add, how would I add it using the above method?  I found that
> eth0:255 is the highest possible virtual network number.  So I
> couldn't add any more?
> All you network-gurus: Please give me a hint or any pointer as
> to where I can find more info on that.

| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and  |
| manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service. |
;           <ieure@minion.org> - http://minion.org             ;
:           raw speed = 105.6 wpm with 4.5% errors             :
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