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Re: Running XDVI from netscape

I have seen this problem before.....

> Thanks Michael  for quick response.

> Hmm...  will another shell give me still different error messages?
> I load ash from cdrom, and /bin/sh -> /bin/ash - and IT WORKS.
> A problem with shells seems more serious than one with application;
> should I report this to someone? if so who. The problem  may be
> with Netscape 4.04 since it seemed to have generated an illegal
> script with ksh.

If the problem is with Netscape 4 then they already know about itA few months
back I was trying to get netscape to use
"Play" to play wav file sounds....I had the exact same problem.
I tried everything (including using "; & ' and a cast of other chgaricters) in
the definition as to trick netscape into working
I had no luck at all and never thinking it could be a bug in bash
reported it as a bug in netscapes bug system
just thinking now...
maybe if I strace netscape....it will show what the actual command line that it
passes is...hmm...
but if it works with ash....I can see no reason as a temporary fix to change sh
to link
to ash
(ill try it again when I get home)
-=Signature has been removed because it made an unfair comparison between NT 4
and Linux =-
replacement: (ok I admit...I am bored..its a slow day at work)
[sjc@debian ~]$fortune -o
Anything more than 3 shakes is for fun.

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