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Re: making a kernel .deb file with make-kpkg

On 19 Apr 98 02:59:00 GMT, alaint@boisfrancs.qc.ca you wrote:

>i wanted to rebuild my kernel and decided to try using the make-kpkg
>utility,i read the info file,run make menuconfig,make dep,make clean and
>finaly make-kpkg --zimage,it compiled thing but it gave me only a zImage
>file,i searched long and large in the info file (read it 3 times) for
>instruction on how to create a .deb file out of my compiled kernel and
>found nothing,does anyone know here how i can create such package or at
>least do this:

I'm guessing that you looked for it in /usr/src/linux, and didn't find
it.  If you haven't already, look in the /usr/src directory.  This is
where the .deb appears on my box using make-kpkg.

>where do i define this option,i tried it on the command line ( make-kpkg
>--targets=kernel_image ) but this hasn't worked,also,another
>question,what's the difference between a zImage kernel and a bzImage one

Answering the second question, bzImage allows for a larget kernel
image to be used.  zImage is limited to 512 KB, or something like
that.  Other than that, no difference.

Rob Wilderspin.
"But I need it to crash once every few days - 
reboots are the only chance I get to sleep..."
----------------------= (send replies to rob@)

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