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Re: making a kernel .deb file with make-kpkg

Alain Toussaint <alaint@boisfrancs.qc.ca> writes:

> where do i define this option,i tried it on the command line ( make-kpkg
> --targets=kernel_image ) but this hasn't worked,

>From the README:

If you want a custom kernel, you may generate a config file by any of
these methods (just follow the directions).
% make config          # Boring old tty based method
% make menuconfig      # curses based menu driven method (uses color if
                         you have any)
% make xconfig         # An X window system based method -- make sure
                         you are running X windows when you call this.
All these methods ultimately generate a .config file.  If you already
have a .config file, just copy it to this directory, and you are go.

With a custom .config file in place (created as above) run again:
% make-kpkg clean
% make-kpkg -revision custom.1.0 kernel_image         

The debian package is created one directorylevel above (in /usr/src). 
Maybe this caused your confusion.

> also,another question,what's the difference between a zImage kernel and
> a bzImage one ???
The kind of compression. bzImage ist compressed with a better algorithm.


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