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Possibly Off Topic: Fonts gone bananas in X.

I recently upgraded my X packages to 3.3.2-3. (xlib6g, xbase, xserver-vga16,
xserver-svga, xfntbase, xfnt75, xfnt100, xfntbig, xfntscl).
I also upgraded my gimp stuff to gimp0.99.26-1, libgimp0.99.26-1,

Now when I do text in gimp with any font, say, lucida bright or times,
the text is super duper blocky just as if it started off a small fixed size and
was stretched to many times its current size.

Any ideas how I can fix this? I am guessing it broke somewhere during the
upgrades, but I'm not sure.

Thanks in advance,

E-Mail: Timothy Hospedales <hospedales@wow.net>
Date: 16-Apr-98
Time: 13:35:54

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