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Re: why does the kernel suck up memory?

On Thu, Apr 02, 1998 at 10:59:12PM +0200, Klaus Wacker wrote:
> I am using a script which compiles the kernel 100 times to test my
> hardware. I had a probability of a signal 11 crash of gcc about every
> 3 or 4 times. When a crash happened, further invocations of gcc would
> usually crash immediately, so the remainder of the loop ran through
> very quickly. To get better statistics, I added a program like you
> describe after each compilation. This has the effect of forcing the
> (presumably damaged) gcc executable out of the memory buffer and a
> reload of a fresh copy from disk, so the loop could continue.

Hugh! This can be really stressful effectively... I don't think NT can
do the same (if you ever seen it just recovery from a PANIC... it's
most of the time just PANIC again ;).

> BTW, can someone explain the difference between "buffers" and "cached"
> to me?

May be this pointer can help a little bit (sorry if not):

For sure, this doesn't help for hardware problems but I have quiet
better performance on my linux after following this little guide.

> -- 
> Klaus Wacker         wacker@Physik.Uni-Dortmund.DE
> 51°29'9"N 7°25'9"E   http://www.physik.uni-dortmund.de/~wacker

Fabien Ninoles
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