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Re: Network/PPP Help

On Sun, 22 Mar 1998, Mike Acklin wrote:

> I think the problem is in the router section and I don't really know what
> to do. When I do the "route -n" I get:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> kernal routing table
> Destination   Gateway   Genmask          Flags  MSS   Window  Use  Iface
>  UH     1500  0            ppp0
>    U      3584  0            lo
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> But in the HOWTO it says that I should have a "default" in this table, but
> I don't.
> When I do the "route add default" it says, "SIOCADDRT:Network is
> unreachable". And then when I do a "route add net" I get "Host Name lookup
> failure".

Do you use "defaultroute" in your pppd options?
if you dont, try "route add default ppp0" after running pppd.

IMHO, if your ISP does not use PAP auth. then I think it would probably be
easier to set up the pon/poff scripts... but then, thats my opinion.

                       Michael Beattie (mickyb@es.co.nz)

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