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Re: lynx

On Tue, Mar 17, 1998 at 01:33:38AM -0800, lucier@.cow-net.com wrote:
> Howdy all.....:-) 
> Can someone please tell me which file contains the information for which   
> directory lynx places it's downloaded files in?  I checked over lynx.conf   
> but there doesn't seem to be any reference, AFAIK, regarding the download   
> directory in this file. 

Either in the HOME directory or in the current directory, I'm not sure.
They have strange names like L7456476.TMP or so. They will be deleted when
lynx gets terminated!

You have to download with "d" and then press return or "->". Then you will
be prompted for the filename. You should give an absolute name if you are
unsure about your current directory.

For ftp, a standard ftp server is better (ftp), because you can reget files.
> One other point: 
> http://java.blackdown refers to a file named jre-v5-*.tar.gz for downloading   
> the java runtime from any of the mirrors; I tried quite a few of them and   
> this particualr filename was not to been seen on any of them.  The closest   
> reference to a similar filename was the above mentioned, rt-v5-libc5.tar.gz. 

;) The asterisk is a wild card. You have to imagine a string there, that
specifies your operating system ;) I think, libc5 is good for "*".

> Is this in fact the file I need to obtain the java runtime (and no there has   
> been no previous versions of the JDK or runtime installed on this system so   
> I would assume the JDK upgrade kit wouldn't work) ? 

I think so. Note that "*" is not really part of a filename. It is a pattern
that matches all strings. So jre-v5-*.tar.gz matches all stringst that start
with "jre-v5-" and end with ".tar.gz"



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