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Re: Unable to delete files with strange ownership and permissions.

Hi folks. A search of the archives suggests to me that the following
message was never posted:

On Tue, 10 Mar 1998, Syrus Nemat-Nasser wrote:

> Hello All.
> I'm running hamm (unstable) on a PC at home, and I somehow ended up with
> some apparently corrupted files. I am unable to figure out how to delete
> them, and dpkg pukes when trying to upgrade the relevant packages. Here's
> are some examples (using 'ls -l'):
> br-xr-Sr--   1 27695    29285     51,  46 Mar 28  2031 ChangeLog.gz
> cr-SrwS-wT   1 28265    25203     99, 114 May  9  2031 INSTALL.gz
> cr-sr-sr--   1 28531    26988    104,  46 Aug 16  2027 changelog.Debian.gz
> c--SrwS-wT   1 11824    26207    114, 115 Jan 15  2034 copyright
> I don't understand the permissions or the ownership and group attributes.
> I cannot do anything with them using rm, chown, or chgrp. Please help.
> And, please cc to me as I am not currently subscribed to debian-user.
> Thanks. Syrus.


Syrus Nemat-Nasser <syrus@ucsd.edu>    UCSD Physics Dept.

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