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RE: tetex question

The "fancyheadings" package (sometimes called fancyhdr) is probably what
you want. Try "\usepackage {fancyhdr}" to see if you have it.  My system
has support for it in emacs via auctex.  There is a manual in .dvi on the
system for fancyhdr (fancyhdr.dvi.gz).


From: 	G. Kapetanios[SMTP:gk205@cus.cam.ac.uk]
Sent: 	Monday, March 16, 1998 7:31 AM
To: 	debian-user@lists.debian.org
Cc: 	The recipient's address is unknown.
Subject: 	tetex question

Hi all,

My question is more tex oriented but involves knowledge of tetex. Tha is
why I am asking the list. The book documentclass creates page headers with
the title of the chapter. However, if the title is long the whole thing is
meesed up. Is there a way to change that and either hjave no page headers
or use title abbreveations ? Do I need to play around with the style files
or some other sort of files ? Where would those files be in the tetex
distribution of debian ? Any ideas would be appreciated.

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DS    E-Mail: GK205@cus.cam.ac.uk
U.K.                  WWW: http://garfield.chu.cam.ac.uk/~gk205/work_info.html

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