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XNTPD problem

  I have folowing problem
  I'm using "Debian 2.0" with 2.0.33 kernel and now I'm trying to set up xntpd.
my /etc/ntp looks like this :

logfile /var/log/xntpd
driftfile /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift
statsdir /var/log/ntpstats/

statistics loopstats peerstats clockstats
filegen loopstats file loopstats type day enable
filegen peerstats file peerstats type day enable
filegen clockstats file clockstats type day enable

server rac.cesnet.cz
server rab.cesnet.cz
server tae.anet.cz

And now if a write :
xntpd -d
server answer :
tick = 10000, tickadj = 5, hz = 100
kernel vars: tickadj = 5, tick = 10000
adj_precision = 1, tvu_maxslew = 495, tsf_maxslew = 0.002070b9
bind() fd 4, family 2, port 123, addr 00000000, flags=1
bind() fd 5, family 2, port 123, addr 7f000001, flags=1
bind() fd 6, family 2, port 123, addr c0a80b01, flags=1
bind() fd 7, family 2, port 123, addr c0a80c01, flags=1
bind() fd 8, family 2, port 123, addr c34b421a, flags=0
init_io: maxactivefd 8
resolving rac.cesnet.cz
resolving rab.cesnet.cz
resolving tae.anet.cz
report_event: system event 'event_restart' (0x01) status 'sync_alarm, sync_unspec, 1 event, event_unspec' (0xc010)

And hangs in memory.

Don't you know how resolve this bad problem ?

				Thanx  Marty

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