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Re: Kernel Customization.

>>"shaul" == shaul  <shaul@rakefet.debian.org> writes:

shaul> You are right. /usr/dockernel-package/Flavours.gz does not
shaul> exists in a Bo version of kernel-package. I think it should
shaul> be.

	Unfortunately, I thought of the Flavours stuff after Bo was
 released. And since kernel-package has moved on to depend on a
 version of dpkg not available in Bo, you can't just put it there (the
 Bo dpkg has bugs that make it hard some times to package kernels). 

shaul> And another thing: I think that the kernel-package and the
shaul> kernel-source documantaion had to tell me what you have told
shaul> me. They are quite ambigious, if not unaccurate.

	Pardone me. I gladly accept patches. If you point out the
 ambiguities, I shall see what I can do. Also, the new versions of
 kernel-package should be better, and I apologize for not doing all
 this work 6 months earlier.


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