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Re: LI instead of LILO:

I don't remember the specific meaning of lilo stopping at LI either but
as mentioned it is explained in the LILO HOWTO.

Answering (at least partially) the question that I think that you are

You probably DO NOT need to reinstall.  The problem is likely just a
lilo configuration problem and should be correctable without starting
all over again.  One potential proplem however is that your hard disk is
'created' in a CMOS 'normal' mode when it should have been a LBA or
'linear' mode.

Do read the LILO documentation, it will be well worth the time invested.
A not very detailed explanation of what you need to do is:
Boot your Linux system from floppy.  If you use the rescue/installation
disk then answer the first couple of questions (color console, keyboard)
and then hit alt-F2 to go to the extra console.

type 'mount -t ext2 /dev/hda2 /target' (substituting whatever is the
correct location for your linux root partition where I have '/dev/hda2')

edit (or at least check) the text file /target/etc/lilo.conf.

run lilo by typing
'lilo -r /target'

Unless told otherwise, lilo assume that its' configuration file is
/etc/lilo.conf and that the location for lilo's working files is /boot
(which is not the case if you boot from a kernel that uses a ram
filesystem or some other partition as the root filesystem).

I do not know if lilo's options can get you 'around' the problem where
the drive's structure does not match 'normal mode' or 'LBA mode'.
Lilo does have an option switch '-l' which says 'generate linear mode
addresses' and '-P fix|ignore' which tells lilo to fix or ignore a
fouled up structure (ie:  translation of head/sector does not yield the
correct LBA).

      bleach@BellSouth.net  b.leach@Worldnet.att.net
           b.leach@usa.net  LinuxPC@Hotmail.com
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