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dpkg doesn't configure perl_5.004.04-2bo1.1.deb


I use bo and needed perl 5.004. I installed perl-base_5.004.04-2bo1.1
without problems, but had problems that when installing
perl_5.004.04-2bo1.1.deb (I lost the output, as far as I can remenber dpkg
seemed to complain about files from perl 5.004 already present belonging
to other packages). 

Now `dpkg -l perl' shows:

iF  perl            5.004.04-2bo1. Larry Wall's Practical Extracting ...

where F stands for Failed-config. When I run `dpkg --configure perl' I get

Setting up perl (5.004.04-2bo1.1) ...
dpkg: error processing perl (--configure):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 123
Errors were encountered while processing:

(I have already forced a downgrade and tried the same upgrade again to get
the original error messages, but I got only the same output as in `dpkg
--configure perl' above.)

Is there a way to know which configuration is missing? I made some tests
and apparently perl is running well, but this big F gives such a bad



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