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80M Thanks, and new question :)

First, thanks to all who offered me the solution to make Linux recognize my
80MB ram.  This user list is the best thing I've seen on the net.

Second, my xserver-svga is now working with my Matrox Mystique 220 card.  I
was still running the version from Bo.  I upgraded to the hamm version, and
all is well with the world (for X windows).  Which is the lead-in for my
next question.

I have numerous packages installed on my system.  In the case of the
xserver-svga package, the version number of the Bo package was higher than
that of the Hamm package, and it was not apparent to me that I needed to
reinstall it.  Is there a script similar to autoup.sh which will examine my
system and compare my installed packages against the available Hamm
packages, and tell me which ones need to be upgraded?

This would be a long, tedious, hit-and-miss procedure to do by hand.  I
tried to compile the famous "Hello World" program last night, and got the
error that stdio.h could not be found.  I tried to install libc6-dev, and
it won't install.  I get a script error.  I'm not at the machine right now,
I'm at work, so I don't have the exact message.  Other packages, such as
libperl-dev, won't install/configure without libc6-dev.

I have already run autoup.sh.  Are there additional scripts to help me
complete my upgrade?
Thanks for any and all help.

BTW, I still can't email out from Linux using Pine and Sendmail.  I have to
use Windows :(.  The problem seems to be in my username and domain.  My ISP
doesn't recognize me.

Thanks again,

Russell Cook, Engineering Branch
WSR-88D Operational Support Facility
(405)366-6520 x4237
russcook@icon.net, rcook@osf.noaa.gov

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