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disk partitions (part 3) ... :D

Hi !

I've still not solved the partition problem.   :-(

I've set CHS in the BIOS to 14848 - 9 - 63. But this is "NORMAL" and
therefore DOS is in trouble.
If I set it to "LBA" and 524 - 255 - 63 I'm having trouble with the MBR
because lilo rewrote it (the Win95 version of the MBR) and I don't have the
original MBR anymore ... How can I recover the Win95 version of the MBR ?

Also, if the BIOS is not set to CHS: 14848 - 9 - 63 and "NORMAL" (but to
"LBA" - for DOS to recognize the partitions), the system complains with
"Secondary Access Mode (CHS) [does] not match with SETUP." This is very
confusing because it happens right at boot time, after the BIOS.
14848 - 9 - 63 is what's written on the hard disk. If BIOS does recognize
the correct CHS setting of the actual harddisk, why am I having trouble
with lilo, accessing the MBR ???

Help !   :D


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