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Help installing NT and Linux

I just got a new drive and I want to put a few more Operating Systems on
it.  Even thought NT is a pain to use I would like to have it around just
to run a few apps.  But I am having some problems getting it to install.

Here is the situation:

I have two 4.3 gig UltraATA Quantum Fireballs.  The primary master has only
Linux partitions on it (containing Debian 2.0)  I would like to install NT 
on the first partition of the Primary slave drive.

Here is where the problems come in.  With that setup NT would not install.
It complained because there was no "NT compatible" partition on the primary
master.  I am assuming it wanted to install thinks like the boot.ini and
ntldr on the first partition of the primary master.  Since that partition
is Linux, NT can't touch it.

So what I did was make the drive which NT needs to go on, the primary
master.  I installed NT and it works fine, if that drive is the master.  I
need the Linux drive to be the master because I don't want to reinstall
Linux or let NT win this battle :)

Is there a way for me to boot NT using lilo?  Will my little drive swap
trick work with some more playing?

I have tired booting NT with Lilo and it doesn't want to work.
Here is the NT part of my lilo.conf:


Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.  Also please reply directly to me,
as it can be easy to miss replies in all the list traffic.


It's backup day today so I'm pissed off. Being the BOFH, however, does
have it's advantages. I reassign null to be the tape device - it's so much
more economical on my time as I don't have to keep getting up to change
tapes every 5 minutes. And it speeds up backups too, so it can't be all
bad can it? Of course not. 

-The Bastard Operator From Hell.

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