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Re: Xircom CE10-BC PCMCIA Ethernetadapter

In an attempt to save the world from disaster, Rene Bagia wrote:

> Hallo,
> i am a new Debian Linux user, so i have a little problem 
> to install my pcmcia card service correctly, so i can
> use my XIRCOM CE10 Pcmcia Ethernet Adapter.
> I try to install with dselect the pcmcia card service and the
> pcmcia modules for the 2.0.29 Kernel but i cant use it.
> I am verry happy for every help.

Your best bet is to send the XIRCOM card back to the manufacturer,
with a polite notice that, due to the non-discolsure-agrement they
force everyone who obtains technical information on their ethernet
cards to sign, there is no Linux driver available for XIRCOM cards,
and you are thus unable to use it.

Or, in other words: XIRCOM forces people to sign NDA's. Thus a driver
will never be released in source code form, as that whould be "disclosing"
the information. As linux is GPL, any part of linux essentially also must
have source code available. This is why you cannot use XIRCOM cards.

I believe there are binary-only modules available, but I advice you not
to use those --  you will probably not be able to use them with
newer versions of the linux kernel, and nobody can fix bugs in them.

So, really the best thing to do is to replace the XIRCOM card.

joost witteveen, joostje@debian.org

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