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Thanks :)


Thanks for all the responses about the bounced mail and swap spaces in
Linux! :-)

On an unrelated note, is there any reason why my "respond to all
recipients" in Pine would get a user called 
this when responding to mail from this list.  The actual recipients don't
seem to have any funky addresses or characters after them.

Thanks again.

P.S.:  I noticed alot of you use "IIRC."  Since I only found out about the
Jargon file last week, I don't know what this means, and it doesn't seem
to be in the jargon file.  What does it mean?  Last week I unintentionally
offended a lot of people on the list by my lack of knowledge of one
particular piece of jargon, and I don't want that to happen again.  :-) 

Ossama Othman <othman@astrosun.tn.cornell.edu>

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