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Re: pppd question

Philip Hands wrote:
> > Does pppd support server assigned nameservers?  I know some isp's tell what
> > the name servers are, I was wondering if there was a way that pppd would set
> > up the new nameserve
> If you are talking about the microsoft protocol tweaks that let you tell Win95 
> clients what the name servers are, then the answer is:
>   as a server - yes
> and
>   as a client - I don't think so

Here's what I'm asking.  I'm trying to setup a system for someone and I
wanted to know if there's a way that PPPD will accept server assigned DNS
servers (IP addresses).  I'm using pppd 2.3.2-2.

If this can be done, reply to the address above...  If it can't, please
don't reply.

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