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Re: Offline Email

On 29 Jan 1998, Martin Bialasinski wrote:

> Daniel Mashao <daniel@comgate.ee.uct.ac.za> writes:
> > What I want is the system that I can 'send' email while my machine is
> > off-line and then sometime later when I use a ppp connection, my system
> > will then send the email outside. I have tried both smail and sendmail
> > unfortunately they just write error messages about the email address not
> > being reachable etc.
> Both smail and sendmail can do this. I never used sendmail, but I can tell
> you what to do with smail.
> If you install the smail package, it will start smailconfig.
> It asks you what kind of system you have. Answer 1, a internet host.
> It will also ask you whether to use a smarthost. Enter the name your ISPs
> mailserver.
> Then say that all outbound mails should be send using the smarthost and
> you are done.
> Write your emails offline and call "runq" in ip-up to send these mails
> when you connect.

You might also want to put a "+queue_only" line to your /etc/smail/config
file, so that Smail knows to hold it's horses untill the queue is run.
Othervise, it will warn you about IP address to your smarthost not found or
something similar...(the mail will stay in the queue and be send next time
you're online, nevertheless..but this gives you a prettier logfile :-)


Tero Hänninen <mot@algonet.se>

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