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Re: extremely off-topic: help

The startup screen file is called logo.sys in the root directory of C and
is a standard win bitmap format.
You can use paintshop pro  to convert the jpeg.   It is available form from
www.windows95.com or www.download.net (i think).
Just change the extension os the created file from bmp to jpg and whack it
in.  Make sure it is the same graphical size of the logo.sys file or it
will distort.

Have fun


> From: Craig Sanders <cas@taz.net.au>
> To: Debian-User <debian-user@lists.debian.org>
> Subject: extremely off-topic: help
> Date: Friday, 30 January 1998 17:17
> i know this is off-topic for this list, but i'm sure that there are
> here who have been in the same situation. 
> i (foolishly) agreed to re-build a win95 system from scratch for a
> this process is annoying the hell out of me because you have to hunt all
> over the damn net to find the damn CDROM drivers which Microsoft don't
> bother to include on the OEM install disk (yes, i am building this with
> legit disks - they came with the system when it was bought). 
> anyway, for this and for other reasons i want to replace the startup
> screen with something a little more interesting.  i remember seeing one
> about a year or so ago on some anti-MS web site which was the same clouds
> and w95 logo but with flames and smoke trailing it plus the words "crash
> and burn".  this seems to be a very appropriate startup screen to me. 
> anyway, what i want to know is where can i get this graphic as a startup
> file.  i've found a jpeg of it, but i don't know what tools to use to
> convert it to whatever bitmap format the startup screen is.  clues would
> be appreciated. 
> thanks
> craig
> ps: once this machine is built and my friend gets another disk she wants
> me to make it dual boot debian.  she likes the look of afterstep, and
> enlightenment just blows her away :-).  you can't do THAT on a 'doze box.

> --
> craig sanders
> --
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