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Re: Problems with java

> I'm trying to learn a little about java, so I installed jdk1.1 from hamm.
> The rest of my system is Debian 1.3 (or stable).
> I'm testing the installation using the 'hello world' app below:
> class HelloWorldApp {
>     public static void main(String[] args) {
>         System.out.println("Hello World!"); //Display the string.
>     }
> }          
> Compiling the app seems to work fine:
> My problem is when I try to run the app:
> [/usr/home/witt/devel/java] $ java HelloWorldApp.class
> Can't find class HelloWorldApp.class        
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> I've checked the environment variables CLASSPATH (I don't have it set, so
> it should be set by the java scripts) and can't think of anything else.
> Anyone have any ideas??

Sure, lots of ideas :)

just run it as "java HelloWorldApp"
(without .class) and everything will be fine.

Alex Y.

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