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Re: SoundBlaster AWE64

(Sorry Britton, no help for your keyboard, but I have to correct some
things Markus wrote. I didn't saw this before).

On Wed, 28 Jan 1998, Britton wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Jan 1998, Markus Lechner wrote:
> > Thanks for your help, Marcus.
> > 
> > Of course i red all the related docu before and i set the permissions according
> > to my needs. The problem was solved with sfxload -I <sndfont>. I didn't know that
> > i have to do this every time (because of unloaded modules?) before i start
> > TkAweMidi (which is actually drvmidi's X-Interface, right?). After using sfxload
> > the error vanquished...

You  should add "sound"	 to /etc/modules (it actually is explained in my
howto in great detail. I won't bite you, but please read it again, perhaps
it is now clearer how things work together).

The automatic kernel loading by kerneld will remove all settings from the
sound module, so you should really add the line, so the sound module will
never be unloaded (except you explicitely do so).

> > I was in err to not use sfxload, because i thought that there is already some
> > default-soundfont loaded.
> This sounds like a good idea to me, except that perhaps it would increase
> the size of the driver.  It is probably bad practice to have a piece of
> kernel code automatically looking into the filesystem to load a sound font
> as well.  If there was a way of circumventing these diffulties I think a
> default fount would be a good idea.

There are default fonts on your card, but they need to be activated by a
dummy sound font bank. As this ships with the sound card, it is no
problem. However, it can't be included in the module due to obvious
copyright problems.

Thank you,

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