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Re: Nedit hangs system

tjferrell@infoave.net writes:

> On 28 Jan, D W Wieboldt let loose with:
>     > Has anybody seen this?  I have reasonably up to date hamm on a stinkpad
>     > 560.  Installed nedit_5.0-3.deb.  Invoking nedit works fine but then
>     > nothing works!  Clearly un-acceptable.  Just like using windoze; the only
>     > recourse is to hit the power switch!
> Same here, except I am on a P166 desktop... BTW, this happens under
> different window managers --> enlightenment and windowmaker.

Perhaps this is caused by NEdit (in Hamm) being linked with Lesstif
(the free Motif clone). Lesstif is still not fully compatible with

- Sten Anderson

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