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Re: another question about upgrading libc5 to libc6

Hello everyone, my experience with the upgrade howto from debian proved to
be an invaluable asset.  U had to dpkg --purge the development packages
manually using dpkg.  That was ok.  I downloaded the entire hamm
distribution and I have installed the base, admin and am starting on the
lib and development directories.  I must say that this went very smoothly.
I have not tried to compile anything yet.  I want to recompile my kernel
with libc6 to see how it goes.  I am quite familiar with dpkg and like it.
Thanks to everybody who helped me in the last few days.  I'm  quite unsure
to do the upgrade because of all the trouble that people were having when
upgrading.  Oh well I just wanted to let debian-user know of one success

On Wed, 28 Jan 1998, Tim Sailer wrote:

> Scott Ellis wrote:
> > > Maybe someone else has an easier way?
> > 
> > Yes, there is now a script a
> > http://stormcrow.ml.org/pub/debian/autoup/autoup.sh that will download all
> > the necessary core packages mentioned in my upgrade howto, remove all the
> > old -dev packages, and install the new stuff in the exact order necessary.
> Huh.. I just tried this on a machie at home, and the script failed because
> debian/hamm/hamm/binary-i386/base/ contains no libc5*.deb files. On
> any mirror that I could find. ????
> Tim
> -- 
>  (work) sailer@bnl.gov / (home) tps@buoy.com - http://www.buoy.com/~tps
>             "Very Pete Townshendish." "Who?" "Exactly."
>  -- Anon
> ** Disclaimer: My views/comments/beliefs, as strange as they are, are my own.**

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