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Re: ssh vs. rsh

On 27-Jan-1998, Jason Gunthorpe <jgg@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca> wrote:
> On Tue, 27 Jan 1998 goodwid@vectra.feather.net wrote:
> > I've been trying to set up connections between my linux box and my ISP like this
> > for a few days, with no luck.  I've gen'd keys for each machine, and swapped 
> > public keys, but when I ssh in to my local box from my ISP (when I'm at work, 
> > I have to go Work -> ISP -> Linux), it asks me for my passphrase, which is many
> > times longer than my login password.  How do I do password-less ssh?
> Sounds like you want to use ssh-agent. Basically you go:
>   eval `ssh-agent`
>   ssh-add
>   ssh ..
> ssh-add will ash you for your passphrase once and keep your key for you
> untill you log out. 

PS: You can put something like that in your xsession, and all
your shells spawned from that xsession will inherit the connection
to ssh-agent and be able to ssh without entering your password.

       Tyson Dowd           # 
                            #  Surreal humour isn't eveyone's cup of
     trd@cs.mu.oz.au        #  fur.
http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~trd #

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