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Hi -

Thanks for those who helped me get OS/2 Boot Manager to boot Linux.

I'm sorry about clogging up the list with simple installation questions,
but I'm still having trouble getting Debian to recognize my CD-ROM so
I can finish installation.

I have an IBM Thinkpad 560 and a Sony PRD-650 Discman CD-ROM drive.  It's
a SCSI drive and it comes bundled with a repackaged Adaptec 1460 SlimSCSI

I bought a Debian 1.3.1 CD which has the bo distribution and it installed
version 2.0.29 of the kernel.  However, the version of pcmcia-cs which came
with it is compiled for 2.0.30.  Is there someplace I can get one compiled
for 2.0.29?  Are there any other configuration things I should know about
or other packages I need to install?


- Justin

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