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Re: another question about upgrading libc5 to libc6

On 27 Jan 1998, Ben Pfaff wrote:

>    Hello everybody, i am currently following the mini howto on how to upgrade
>    from libc5 to libc6.  Everything is going smoothly, up to this point.  In
>    part 3 under development it says to purge libc5 *--dev*  I know how to use
>    dpkg, and there is an option --purge.  My question is how do you perge all
>    of libc5 development packages.  Thanking you in advance.
> I think that you have to do it in a fairly manual way.  For instance:
> # dpkg -l \*-dev
> [...a list of all the -dev packages...]
> # dpkg --purge <all-the-packages-listed-above>
> Maybe someone else has an easier way?

Yes, there is now a script a
http://stormcrow.ml.org/pub/debian/autoup/autoup.sh that will download all
the necessary core packages mentioned in my upgrade howto, remove all the
old -dev packages, and install the new stuff in the exact order necessary.

Scott K. Ellis <storm@gate.net>                 http://www.gate.net/~storm/

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