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Re: new hard drive

> Yo-
> I just got a new hdd and I am having trouble with lilo.  I have installed
> win95 on this drive which is currently  located as master on the primary
> controller with the debian drive on slave.  With the lilo.conf shown below
> my system gets to the LILO prompt, and I can press TAB and see both linux
> and win but if I choose "win" lilo runs again and then boots linux.
> boot=/dev/hda1
> root=/dev/hdb1
> compact
> install=/boot/boot.b
> map=/boot/map
> vga=normal
> delay=20
> image=/vmlinuz
> label=Linux
> append="mem=96m"
> read-only
> other=/dev/hda1
> label=win
> table=/dev/hda
> That's it.  I have making root=/dev/hdb1 but then I get an error message
> from lilo that says, "Warning /dev/hdb is not on the first disk!"
> In summary, /dev/hda --> Win95
> 	    /dev/hdb --> Debian
> 	    /dev/hdc --> CD-ROM

You are getting there.... here is a revised lilo.conf which should work... 

boot=/dev/hda           - Must be MBR if using a second HDD
default=???             - Want something to load automatically?
     loader=/boot/chain.b   - Lets lilo load dos partitions

If you are going to use a second HDD, I think (cant remember exactly) that
the docs say that lilo HAS to be installed into the first HDD's MBR. (thats
why you got:

> That's it.  I have making root=/dev/hdb1 but then I get an error message
> from lilo that says, "Warning /dev/hdb is not on the first disk!"

because the second HDD is never looked at to boot the system (normally) :)

I have mine set up similar to that, and it works fine... although my linux
partition is /dev/hda7.
The only reason I have it indented is to recognize the different boot
options. I added the default line because I load dos automatically, (to
initialize sound card IRQ/PORT etc) which is listed second in my lilo.conf.
If there is no default setting, the first entry is used (as you probably know)

Lastly, loader=/boot/chain.b is needed to enable lilo to boot the hda1
partition, I think thats how it works :)

Hope that helps.

                       Michael Beattie (mickyb@es.co.nz)

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