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Re: [lesspipe]

On 26 Jan 1998, Ben Pfaff wrote:

> lesspipe is in less version 332-2, at least.  Perhaps it is only in
> hamm versions of less.

yes, it is only in hamm....but it will work fine with the bo version
of less. 

i have attached a copy to this message. to install it, save it into
/usr/bin. then edit /etc/profile or ~/.bashrc and add the following line: 

	eval $(/usr/bin/lesspipe)


craig sanders
# lessfile/lesspipe
# Less filter for viewing non text files.
# Written by: Behan Webster <behanw@pobox.com>
# Many Modifications by Darren Stalder
# combined lessfile and lesspipe to avoid duplication of decode stage
# shell is sure icky.  I'm real tempted to rewrite the whole thing in Perl 
# Unfortunately, this means that I have filename dependencies sprinkled
# throughout the code.  If you don't want lessfile to be called that,
# you'll need to change the LESSFILE envar below.
# Usage: eval $(lessfile)  or eval $(lesspipe)
# less passes in:
#    $1  filename to be viewed with less  (used by LESSOPEN)
# and possibly (if used by lessfile)
#    $2  filename that was created during LESSOPEN

BASENAME=$(basename $0)

if [ $# -eq 1 ] ; then
    # we were called as LESSOPEN

    # generate filename for possible use by lesspipe
    umask 077

      # possibly redirect stdout to a file for lessfile
    ( if [ $BASENAME = $LESSFILE ]; then exec > $TMPFILE; fi

      # Decode file for less
      case "$1" in
	    if [ -x /usr/bin/unarj ]; then unarj -v $1; else echo "No unarj available"; fi ;;

	    echo "$1:"; dpkg --info $1; /bin/echo -e '\n*** Contents:'; dpkg-deb --contents $1 ;;

	    if [ -x /usr/X11R6/bin/identify ]; then /usr/X11R6/bin/identify $1;
	    else /bin/echo -e "No identify available\nInstall ImageMagick to browse images"; fi ;;

	    tar tzvf $1 ;;

	    gzip -dc $1 ;;

	    tar tvf $1 ;;

	    if [ -x /usr/bin/unzip ]; then unzip -v $1; else echo "No unzip available"; fi ;;

    esac ) 2>/dev/null

    if [ $BASENAME = $LESSFILE ]; then
	if [ -s $TMPFILE ]; then echo $TMPFILE; fi

elif [ $# -eq 2 ] ; then
    # we were called as LESSCLOSE
    # delete the file created if we were lessfile
    if [ $BASENAME = $LESSFILE ]; then
	if [ -f $2 -a -O $2 ]; then rm -f $2; else echo "Error in deleting $2" > /dev/tty; fi

elif [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then
    # must setup shell to use LESSOPEN/LESSCLOSE
    # I have no idea how some of the more esoteric shells (es, rc) do things.
    # If they don't do things in a Bourne manner, send me a patch and I'll incorporate it.

    # first determine the full path of lessfile/lesspipe
    # if you can determine a better way to do this, send me a patch, I've not shell-scripted for many a year
    FULLPATH=$(FOO=$(command -v $0); cd $(dirname $FOO);pwd)/$BASENAME

    case "$SHELL" in
	    if [ $BASENAME = $LESSFILE ]; then
		echo "setenv LESSOPEN \"$FULLPATH '%s'\";"
		echo "setenv LESSCLOSE \"$FULLPATH '%s' '%s'\";"
		echo "setenv LESSOPEN \"| $FULLPATH '%s'\";"
		echo "setenv LESSCLOSE \"$FULLPATH '%s' '%s'\";"
	    if [ $(basename $0) = $LESSFILE ]; then
		echo "export LESSOPEN=\"$FULLPATH '%s'\";"
		echo "export LESSCLOSE=\"$FULLPATH '%s' '%s'\";"
		echo "export LESSOPEN=\"| $FULLPATH '%s'\";"
		echo "export LESSCLOSE=\"$FULLPATH '%s' '%s'\";"

    echo "Usage: eval \$($BASENAME)"

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