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RE: adduser in hamm dumps core !


On Mon, 26 Jan 1998, Neilen Marais wrote:

> Hi Oleg
> >
> >Hi, All
> >
> >have all hamm system and just found that
> >adduser dumps core independently of
> >any given input.
> >
> >Is this known problem ?
> >
> >regards
> You are not by any chance using KDE .deb's packaged by the KDE ppl
> themselves?  It seems to have this weird habit of causing perl to use
> one of its libraries (which uses libc5) instead of the proper one... 
> You can fix this by taking the kde lib directory out of your LDLIBRARY
> environment variable, and instead placing it at the bottom of your
> /etc/ld.so.conf file...

no, i'm not using KDE

> You can make sure by typing ldd /usr/bin/perl.  If you see any mention
> of libc5, you know something is causing perl to be linked to the worng
> library....

that's the case - perl is linked against both libc6 and libc5.

But i have latest perl bundle from hamm !!!



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