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Re: adduser in hamm dumps core !


On Mon, 26 Jan 1998, Kirk Hilliard wrote:

> Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 07:12:28 -0500
> From: Kirk Hilliard <kirk@ghoti.com>
> To: Oleg Krivosheev <kriol@FNAL.GOV>
> Cc: debian-devel@lists.DEBIAN.org, debian-user@lists.DEBIAN.org
> Subject: Re: adduser in hamm dumps core !
> Oleg Krivosheev <kriol@fnal.gov> writes:
> >
> > have all hamm system and just found that
> > adduser dumps core independently of
> > any given input.
> Hi Oleg!
> Does this include when it is given no input, as in:
>   # adduser
>   adduser: I need a name to add.
>   #
> If so, then it will be easier for people to test it without actually
> adding users.

yes, it dumps without any user intervention ;)

> Anyhow, I have an all hamm system (up to date against my mirror as of
> 24 hours ago, giving me adduser version 3.8) and in response to your
> query I ran "adduser <new_user_name>", answered the questions, and it
> worked.


me too - all stuff upgraded and i did reboot if it matters

> adduser is a perl script, and bug#17393 reports perl segfaulting and
> dumping core on a simple script.  Whereas Vitaly Belostotsky provided
> a four line script which does this consistently, I have a couple
> hundred line script which does this much more sporadically and is
> highly dependent on its input data (and is even sensitive to print
> statements that I added for debugging purposes).  Since adduser reads
> system information, it could be that the data it gets from your system
> is just right to trigger this bug.

yes, it might be the case.

i just checked and looks like perl depends on both libc5
and libc6 !

> I bumped the severity of bug#17393 up to important yesterday.

thanks you


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