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Re: Why is debian "more of a learning curve" than Redhat???

On Sun, Jan 25, 1998 at 09:57:46AM +0100, Remco Blaakmeer wrote:
> On Sun, 25 Jan 1998, David E. Scott wrote:
> > Tyson,
> > 	I guess I'm just expressing frustration at not being able to master the
> > installation process. 
> > 	Agreed, Debian dselect does a tremendous lot of work during the install
> > process, and it's very infrequent that dependency or other warnings are
> > issued during a Win95 product install. In the hands of a Debian expert,
> > my future son-in-law, the process is pretty impressive and quick, even
> > if it's rather mysterious when I try to duplicate the process on my own.
> Ok, let's summarize the differences between the install programs. The
> Win95 installs have a simple design, are brain-dead and can present you
> with nice 'Next' buttons. The Debian installer can perform complex tasks
> but has a user interface that is hard to learn.

Let's compare like with like. To install a program on windows you double
click it and then keep clicking on next. To install a program on Debian you
type "dpkg -i filename".  Dselect is not the installer, it is the package
selection tool. It shows you a list of program which you have access to and
can install.


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