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Afterstep blues


I've decided I need some help. I don't get it anymore. I upgraded a lot of
packages on my own computer to be able to use libc6 versions of X-programs
(most notably the gimp), and it has worked. I use afterstep as window manager
(version 1.0-5.1). This one also works just fine.

Now I have installed *exactly* the same packages on the computer
of a friend (which had almost the same install as mine computer, and I should
know, I installed it), in *exactly* the same order, and I can't get
afterstep to work. Put afterstep in .xsession, and it just hangs whenever
afterstep tries to draw some pretty lines around windows. btw. windows don't
appear at all. Example .xsession:

xterm .... &

doesn't show a thing. Other example:

xterm ......

shows an xterm, but this setup is hardly usable :) I also tried:

afterstep & $wmpid=$!
start some things
wait $wmpid

Doesn't do it either.

Difference between the computers: I use xdm, he doesn't, I have an S3 968,
he an ATI MACH64.

One thin I noticed: on his computer 'top' fails to run *after* I have tried
to start afterstep. If I start top *before* I have started afterstep for
the first time after a reboot, it works.

So, anybody got a clue? Did I miss some package? Relevant packages
installed on both systems:



|     Maarten Boekhold, Faculty of Electrical Engineering TU Delft,   NL    |
|           Computer Architecture and Digital Technique section             |
|                          M.Boekhold@et.tudelft.nl                         |

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