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Re: user management

Paul Miller writes:
>Is there a program that is similar to Novell's syscon program?  Linux
>really needs a good user management program (terminal-based) that can
>quickly add/remove groups, set passwords/info fields, delete users, set
>quotas, etc....
>Paul Miller <paul@3dillusion.com>, finger for public PGP key

Check out 


It is a user management program that was built by folks at Purdue
University to handle the user base of thousands of students and
machines!  I know it has support for lots of different OS's.  I have
used it as an end user on a Sun machine and it is VERY powerful and
does everthing you mentioned.  I have not tried building it on a Linux
box. If you get it working on a Linux box I think it has been added to
the list of possible packages for Debian.

Good luck,

Brian Servis  
Mechanical Engineering				    servis@purdue.edu
Purdue University		    http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

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